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http://kirestal.deviantart.com/art/Pentecost-125261516 |
This is Pentecost. This is the Holy Spirit. This is the expression of God's fiery, yet whispy presence in and among His creatures. He is the dynamic purifying fire that God plants in our hearts to round off the sharp corners of our proud self-assertion. He is the softening fire that soothes those who need it the most when He is presented to them. He is the fire of bravery which we need when we have to stand up to the Evil One. He is the fire of pure, selfless love that enflames the generous abandon needed to introduce His presence in those who are the object of such love. He is the flame that is recognized as His image by those who see it shining in those truly righteous disciples of His. He is the Great Inebriator who even at an early morning hour drives His disciples to great levels of zealous action.
Yes, this is the day of Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We have all been washed in the waters of the Jordan. We have all had our highs and our lows. We have had our moments of repentance, atonement, penance, sacrifice, suffering, puzzlement and even downright disgust about ourselves. We have had our moments of doubt; our moments of temptation; our moments when we have poked our nose though the fence to check out the grass on the other side. Then the moment passes and we feel the heat of the Spirit's fire again. From the ashes of the sinful moments we experience, somehow the flame of love, of contrition, of zeal springs back to life. The ashes themselves are consumed, the smoke clears and the Spirit of God comforts us and we become comfortable again under the protective pinions of the Great White Dove.
Yes, this is the day of Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
This is the day when we remember that we are remembered. This is the day when we reach back and remember our first communion. We remember that day when we were all disciples of Jesus. We remember that day when we promised never to commit a mortal sin. We remember that day because somehow, even through the happiness of the party, we saw God. We somehow knew that He was the reason for the festivity. Today we know that the story that we hear about the Tongues of Fire is aimed at us. Today we know that the moment of our Baptism in the Spirit is a recurring event. Every single year we get our ears pulled and the Holy Spirit reminds us that He keeps us in memory too. Every year, this is our time of renewal, repentance and remebering who it is that we really are - Disciples of Christ and the furnace in which the Flame of His Love burns. It is on this day of the renewal of our Baptism in the Spirit that we remember that of all the gifts of Grace that we receive every day, Love is the biggest and the best.
Yes, this is the day of Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
It is the day when we are reminded by the Spirit of the great commandment to "Do this in memory of Me." This is the day when we remember the great commission that was given to us, "to go and baptize all peoples in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." this is the day when we remember that like the disciples of old, we too run scared a lot. We remember the times when we could have asserted our faith and did not. We remember the times when we could have brought peace to a human situation and preferred to not get involved. We remember the times when we could have done a simple favor for a fellow human being and preferred our own comfort instead. We also remember how we knew deep down that we had just been guilty of letting the Spirit down. He who keeps the fire burning in us doesn't really ever let us forget it. He throws dozens of opportunities our way during the course of a day, a week or a month. We have the reponsibility to help Him out.
Yes, this is the day of Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We know that we have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. We know that in Water and in the Spirit we have been reborn. We know exactly what God demands of us. We know that we have His Life and Love burning inside of us. We know the tone of His nagging insistence that we offer Him what His ancestor, the Great King David tells us that He wants, "A humble and contrite heart" dedicated to His service. (Psalm 51) We know that we have been baptized in the Spirit because of the grace of His presence that keeps strong as we walk the "straight and narrow." We know it because we find ourselves thanking Him for getting us out of "that one." We know it because we look back on the day, the week, the month, the year and we know that we didn't do it alone. We know whose been there by our side every step of the way.
Yes, this the day of remembrance and remembering. The is the day of our recurring Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Remember this: When God remembers somebody, great things happen.
Today, He is remembering us on our baptism day, and He's the One performing the ceremony. Let's not forget it.