Saturday, January 16, 2016


I venture to say that just about 90% of Christians know the story of the miracle at the wedding of Cana in Galilee.  Every one who knows the story knows that upon the request of His Mother, Mary, Jesus had the waiters fill six stone jars with water.  The description of the jars includes the clarification that their contents were used for ritual purifications.  These jars then had a religious meaning.  They were recognized as part and parcel of the religious rituals followed by those faithful to the Law of Moses.  In short, these were not just ANY stone jars.
The water though, was just ordinary water.  What other kind of water was there?  None.
No matter how ordinary the water, it was nevertheless required in order for the jars to fully reach their useful existence of providing the needed substance for the ritualistic washing.  When Jesus got involved with them they were at a low level of their being.  First, they were empty.  Then, there were but six of them, not seven which would have pointed to their completeness.  But the story is careful in pointing out that they were the imperfect number, six, not seven.

Now Jesus enters the scene.  Under His orders, the servants fill the jars with water.  The water becomes wine and that's what we all admire.  We forget that the jars are no longer containers for ritualistic washing.  They are dispensers of the best wine served at the wedding.  Jesus did not want these jars to be mere water carriers.  He wanted them to be admired as the containers of the spirit of His productive action.  He wanted to show that ordinary water in ordinary jars under the action of the Messiah become more than what they appear to the purely human eye.  The six jars came to their perfection by the initial sign that points to the Resurrection.  The jars don't contain water any more, they become the shell for the transformation from water to wine.  Just as the grave could not contain the body of Jesus, but provided the container within which the change could take place and blossom.

Consider all the "signs" of God and of Jesus and don't stop at the Bible's edge.  Keep coming this way and reflect on the many times that we are the containers in which the blossoming of God's work in this world takes place.  Don't forget the two children standing before the Beautiful Lady on a peaceful day at La Salette in the French Alps.  These two containers of "ordinary water" certainly are good examples of containers who were changed forever after Mary poured her Heart out into them and left them with the command to "make this known to all my people."

Fast forward to 2016, Holy Year of Mercy.  We must stay ready. We never know when it will be our turn to be an urn.
Don't spill your God-given water needlessly by crying at my funeral.

Je me permets de dire qu’environ 90% de chrétiens connaissent l'histoire du miracle qui eut lieu aux noces de Cana en Galilée. Quiconque connaît l'histoire sait que, à la demande de sa mère, Marie, Jésus fit remplir six jarres de pierre avec de l'eau. La description des bocaux comprend la clarification que leur contenu était habituellement utilisé pour les purifications rituelles. Par ce fait significatif ces pots ont ensuite prit une signification religieuse. Ils ont été reconnus comme faisant partie intégrante des rituels religieux suivis par les gens fidèles à la loi de Moïse. En bref, ce ne sont pas seulement enfin de tout, rien que des jarres de pierre.
L'eau cependant, était tout simplement de l'eau ordinaire. Quel autre type d'eau y aurait-il? Aucun.
Peu importe que l’eau était ordinaire, elle était un élément nécessaire pour que les pots puissent atteindre pleinement leur raison d’être,  de contenir et fournir la substance nécessaire pour le lavage rituel. Quand Jésus fut impliqué avec eux, ils se trouvèrent au un niveau le plus faible de leur être. D'abord, ils étaient vides. Ensuite, ils ne furent que six, pas sept, ce qui aurait contribué à leur plénitude. Mais l'histoire est prudente en soulignant qu'ils étaient du nombre imparfait, six.
Or, Jésus entre en scène. Sous ses ordres, les serviteurs remplissent les pots avec de l'eau. L'eau devient vin, un événement que nous admirons tous. Nous oublions que les pots ne sont plus des réservoirs pour le lavage rituel. Ils sont des distributeurs du meilleur vin servi au mariage. Jésus ne voulait pas que ces bocaux ne demeurent que des simples porteurs d'eau. Il voulait qu'ils soient admirés comme les conteneurs de l'esprit de son Action productive. Il voulait montrer que l'eau ordinaire dans des pots ordinaires sous l'action du Messie peuvent devenir plus que ce qu'ils apparaissent à l'œil purement humain. Les six bocaux sont venus à leur perfection en jouant un rôle important pour le premier signe qui pointe vers la Résurrection. Les pots ne contiennent que de l'eau, pas plus.  Ils deviennent la coquille pour la transformation de l'eau au vin tout comme la tombe n’était que la coquille qui ne pouvait pas contenir le corps de Jésus.
Pensez à tous les «signes» de Dieu et de Jésus et ne vous arrêtez pas au bord de la Bible. Tenez le regard à l’avenir de cette façon et réfléchissez sur les nombreuses fois que nous sommes les récipients dans lesquels l'épanouissement de l'œuvre de Dieu dans ce monde a lieu. Ne pas oublier les deux enfants qui se tiennent devant la Belle Dame une belle journée paisible dans les Alpes françaises. Ces deux conteneurs « d’eau ordinaire » sont certainement de bons exemples de conteneurs qui ont été changées à jamais après que Mary avait versé son cœur en eux et leur a laissé le commandement de le «faire savoir à tout mon peuple. »

Faisons un saut rapide jusqu'en 2016, Année Sainte de la Miséricorde. Nous devons rester prêts. Nous ne savons jamais quand ce sera notre tour d'être une urne.

Ne versez pas votre eau donnée par Dieu inutilement en pleures à mon décès.

Me atrevo a decir que casi el 90% de los cristianos conoce la historia del milagro en las bodas de Caná de Galilea. Todos los que conocen la historia saben que, a petición de su Madre, María, Jesús dijo a los camareros que llenen seis tinajas de piedra con agua. La descripción de los frascos incluye la aclaración de que su contenido se utilizaron para purificaciones rituales. Estos frascos entonces tenían un significado religioso. Ellos fueron reconocidos como parte integrante de los rituales religiosos, seguido de los fieles a la Ley de Moisés. En resumen, no se trataba de cualquier tinajas de piedra.
El agua, sin embargo, era sólo agua ordinaria. ¿Qué otro tipo de agua estaba allí? Ninguna.
No importa cómo el agua ordinaria, que fue, sin embargo, necesaria para que los frascos de alcanzar plenamente su existencia útil de proporcionar la sustancia necesaria para el lavado ritual. Cuando Jesús se involucró con ellos estaban en un bajo nivel de su ser. En primer lugar, estaban vacíos. Entonces, no había más que seis de ellos, no siete que habría señalado a su integridad. Pero la historia es cuidadosa en señalar que eran el número imperfecto, seis, no siete.

Ahora Jesús entra en escena. Bajo sus órdenes, los criados llenar de agua las tinajas. El agua se convierte en vino y eso es lo que todos admiramos. Nos olvidamos de que los frascos hay contenidos más importates que para el lavado ritual. Son dispensadores del mejor vino servido en la boda. Jesús no quería que estos frascos sean meros portadores de agua. Quería que sean admirado como los contenedores del espíritu de su acción productiva. Quería demostrar que el agua ordinaria en frascos ordinarios bajo la acción del Mesías puede ser más de lo que parece a simple puramente humano. Las seis tinajas llegaron a su perfección por la señal inicial que apunta a la resurrección. Los frascos no contienen agua más, se convierten en la cáscara para la transformación del agua en vino. Al igual que la tumba no podía contener el cuerpo de Jesús, pero siempre que el contenedor en el que el cambio podría tener lugar y florecer.

Tenga en cuenta todos los "signos" de Dios y de Jesús y no se detenga en el borde de la Biblia. Sigue viniendo de un lado a reflexionar sobre las muchas veces que somos los recipientes en los que el florecimiento de la obra de Dios en este mundo tiene lugar. No se olvide de los dos niños de pie ante la señora hermosa en un día tranquilo en La Salette en los Alpes franceses. Estas dos contenedores de "agua corriente" sin duda son buenos ejemplos de los contenedores que se han cambiado para siempre después de que María derramó su corazón en ellos y los dejó con el comando de "hacer saber a todo mi pueblo."

Un avance rápido hasta 2016, Año Santo de la Misericordia. Debemos permanecer listo. Nunca sabemos cuando será nuestro turno de ser una urna.
No derrame el agua dada por Dios innecesariamente llorando en mi funeral.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Once you've read this, you will not have to be reminded not to cry at my funeral.

Welcome to the 21st century.  It's a fun place to be if morality is not one of your basic preoccupations.  The world of politics has always been fodder for the feedbag of those who like to have inane conversations over at the Ol' Waterin' Hole corner of Main and Dwight.

People running for public office have made a career of making promises that they know they can't fulfill; they have forever been inventing facts to suit their present needs and in countries with a free press they are fond of reviling those who make them spend what it takes to buy the morning paper after listening to a bit of news on the car radio on the way to work.

It used to be that we the people wanted to hear the inflated false promises and the stories from out of the conjured environment of the past which produced five star results for each of the stump-masters.  Yes, we would hear the occasional insult or false judgment aimed at a rival, but we took some and left some and moved on.

This year is different.  The personal insult is the stump speech du jour.  The reviving of the bankruptcy, the inept first degree relative, the sexual fun and games of the spouse and the worst government appointee EVER x 2!  Now there is something that I want to mention here that has become a part of our lives when it should not.  Like, making the rival's past "fair game" in exchange for the stated recognitiion that, of course my past is fair game too.
Fair enough, right?  You voted for x,y and z and I didn't.  Black and white.  Done.
Ok, fact for fact.  Done and done.

Fine so far.  But that is not where it stops.  Now we hear the repititious reminder of immoralities past that are intended to make the speaker appear to be more competent for the office sought than for the one sullied by past sins.  These reminders, once again, are in fact reminders of historical facts.  We have the idea that if the speaker is not lying, then it must be all right to maintain this line of attack.  After all, the beneficiary of the practice of fellatio and the wife of such a predator cannot in any way be competent to be the "Leader of the free world."  Really?  Hmmm.  

You think that's bad.  What about being the brother of the guy who lied about WMD's and took us to war in Iraq.  Wow, that's really a sign of your egregious incompetence to be the Commander-in-chief of the US military.
Not only is that kind of talk devoid of any logic, in Catholic speak, it is sinful.  It is the little named sin called "contumely."  This is the sin of the one who wilfully intends to harm the well being of another by publicly talking about the sin(s) of the other.  In this case, the sins of the one rain down upon you because, you know, blood is thicker than water.

Yes, this is a serious sin.  It is in fact a serious lack of respect for the life of the person being attacked by historically ascertainable immorality.  People who practice this form of speech show a lack of respect, a lack of compassion, a lack of mercy and a lack of a need to live in the peaceful and loving company of fellow human beings.  To continually abuse people with this kind of abuse is far, far from being pro-life.  It is the style to be protective of the life in the womb but the minute you're in the light of day, watch out!  To treat people this way is to act opposite to the law of love that we all know and that we are all very fond of quoting in season and out.  

So, you Catholics, other Christians and every other human being, keep yourselves attuned to what you hear in this world.  Instead of looking for the comfort of something being "Fair Game," look for Love, Mercy, Piety, Gentleness, Justice, Patience, etc.  Do it.  I dare you.
So did Jesus, don't forget.