Sunday, August 4, 2019


"Go back to where you came from"
Yes, "I Accuse..." the famous indictment aimed at the President of France by the famous writer, Emile Zola in 1898.  I have no reservations about accusing the present President of the United States of introducing vile and dangerous suggestions into the hearts and minds of our people.  From the "Birther" movement, the "Mexicans are rapists and drug smugglers, to the "Mexican" judge who is biased, the insulting nicknaming of Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas", to the ridiculing of Mrs Kahn, Gold Star mother of a Muslim son killed in action, to the denigration of women, to saying that all Haitians have AIDS, that immigrants and refugee seekers come from "shithole countries", to protecting anti-semites, white supremacists in Charlottesville, to leading the commission of a crime of humanity on the southern border of the USA, and finally he has begun to attack elected members of congress who are Black and Brown and non-Christian.
This list is only what I can express without looking at a more complete list on Google.
This bigoted behavior emanates from the demagogue on the shore of the Potomac and therefore is meant to reinforce the authority of the resident of the White House.  As such, then, the President of the United States is definitely sowing the seeds of hatred and discontent in the hearts of the citizenry and therefore, is complicit in the commission of these acts of domestic terrorism.
It cannot be lost on us Christians, White people that it is the white male population of the United States that is being radicalized.  I accuse Donald Trump of being the radicaliser in chief.  I accuse him of being the alligator in chief of the swamp that he promised to drain, but rather, has made all the more dangerous.
Yes, Donald Trump, these accusations address but a small fraction of your criminal behavior.  Yes, you are undeniably a criminal.  You should be sitting in front of the international tribunal in Le Hague.
After you have finished reading this, I don't have to remind you not to cry at my funeral.