Friday, June 29, 2007


Your Liturgy & Small Faith Communities Corner

Brief Instruction on the Liturgy:
Christ, who through the action of the priest, is truly the One offering the Mass. The liturgy, as the work of the people or the service of the people rendered to God calls for an "active and conscious participation. (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, no.14)” This means that we just don’t “attend mass” but must participate in the mass by responding to the prayers, by singing, by consciously listening to the Word of God and the prayers; paying attention to the actions (gestures) and symbols and receiving Holy Communion. When we are at mass, we try very hard to focus our minds on the action of Christ offering himself through the ministry of the priest. At mass our whole being must be so one with Christ that we are truly remembering and making present His death and resurrection. Our minds must not be wandering or thinking of other things such as shopping, or watching our favorite sports. (To be continued)

Art & Environment: Welcome to Isaura Ruiz into our Committee. Isaura volunteered to help with the sewing. Thank you Isaura.
Sacristy Ministry: We are in need of generous parishioners to be members of this new ministry. Functions: Occasionally clean and polish the candle stands; wash the priests’ vestments; keep the sacristy clean and orderly; and help water the plants around the altar. For more information, please contact: Isabel M. Dion, Liturgy Consultant, (Coordinator) at 951-924-1968. Please leave a message if she is out of the office to answer your call. Thank you.

Indoor Green Plants:Would you like to donate some indoor plants to replace some of the plants that we presently have and which need some sunshine? If you are so moved by this appeal please bring them on Saturday morning, July 14, and place them in front of the statue of our Lady of La Salette. We will arrange them for you. Leave your personal information (including email if you have it) and we will place it on the altar to include you in the Mass prayers. Thank you.

SMALL FAITH COMMUNITIES: We read in Acts 2:42 that the early Christian community prayed together, shared the Word of God; broke bread together; and supported one another. This was the small church that serves as a model to us today as the basic organization of a Small Faith Community. A Small Faith Community therefore, is a gathering of 8-10 people who devote some time to come together to share their faith by: 1) Reading and reflecting on the scriptures; 2) praying together; 3) sharing their faith stories; 4) and in response to God’s message and challenge take an action to help others.

We are in the process of forming a committee to help our Pastor implement this vision. We need you! Please call
Isabel M. Dion, Small Faith Community Consultant, for more information on how to become a member of this committee at 951-924-1968.

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